Ontario Health: Physician Assistants Introduction Webinar
Ontario Health will be offering a series of webinars related to Physician Assistants (PAs) in the coming months that may be of interest to you.
If you have any questions about these webinars, please contact us at: practiceontario@ontariohealth.ca
Interested in learning more about the role of a Physician Assistant (PA) in Ontario and how to incorporate this role into your healthcare environment? Facing staffing shortages with Physicians or Nurses? Join this introductory webinar for insights into the PA role and how they can help address recruitment difficulties.
Register Here for our upcoming introduction webinar on June 26th.
Date & Time: Wednesday, June 26, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Exploring the option of becoming a preceptor can serve as an effective strategy for recruitment purposes. Learn more from our presenters Physician Assistant Education Leaders, Kristen Burrows, Assistant Dean, McMaster University and Dr. Jeffrey Golisky, Director, University of Toronto, PA Program.
This introduction webinar will cover the following topics:
- Introduction to the role of a Physician Assistant (PA)
- Background & Education
- CPSO Updates & Scope of Practice
- How to fund a Physician Assistant (PA)
- Physician Assistant (PA) Recruitment
Upcoming Webinars:
Webinar 2: Hiring a Physician Assistant into your Hospital Setting: Emergency Medicine, Psychiatry, Hospitalist & Surgery
Webinar 3: Physician Assistants in Primary Care
If you are already aware of the role of a Physician Assistant, please share this invitation with any colleagues who will benefit from learning more.
Thank you,
Ontario Health