- The awards committee will review the criteria for all awards from the previous year and process. A member at large will be selected at this time if appropriate and the Past-President chair this committee.
- A call for Nominations for all 3 awards (listed above) will be sent to CAPA/PARSEC members from CAPA and a deadline will be provided to send in submissions.
- Submissions will be addressed to CAPA ( CAPA staff will review the submissions to ensure they meet the criteria.
- The awards committee will vote on their 2 most preferred submissions for each award.
- The submissions with the most votes will be selected as the recipients.
- The awards committee will provide a recommendation to the CAPA Board of Directors regarding the award recipients.
- The Board of Directors will review the recommendation, as well as the nominations, at a Board meeting or via e-vote and approve or decline the award committee recommendations.
- CAPA staff will communicate with the candidates and nominators regarding the status of their nomination without revealing who was selected.
- The awards will be presented by CAPA and PARSEC during the annual conference (format to be decided).